SD Career Resources
What resources are available?
South Dakota's hub for all things work-based learning. This website features learning guides, tools, and resources to help educators, students, parents, and business and industry partners navigate how to have positive, high-quality, work-based learning experiences and grow South Dakota’s future workforce.
The South Dakota Week of Work will introduce middle and high school students to career opportunities in their own communities and across the state through job shadows, industry tours, and other business-classroom connections. Keep checking this site for more information. It’s a week of exploration, with the aim of guiding students, engaging local businesses, and introducing employers to their future workforce. Think of it as a long-term investment in South Dakota’s future.
The South Dakota Career Interest Survey (SDCIS) is a career interest survey to help individuals identify occupations that may of interest to them. The SDCIS is available in Microsoft Excel format and will automatically tally responses and identify the individual's scores of each of the six career interest areas based on John Holland's career development model.

The Labor Market Information Center (LMIC) considers Hot Careers to high demand-high wage occupations. The LMIC has created Occupational profile posters for each Hot Career. The profiles include a job description, work interest areas, work values, abilities, basic skills needed, education and training needed, preferred levels for the National Career Readiness Certificate, industries where workers are employed, and employment and wage data.
Career One Stop's GetMyFuture website has information, tools, and links to resources to help anyone age 16 to 24. Students can explore careers, learn about and locate training or education programs, and conduct a successful job search. The goal of this site is to help young adults overcome barriers and plan and achieve a path to career success.
Dakota Roots joins citizens, business leaders, and state government in a successful, on-going initiative to grow the South Dakota workforce.
This is not a typical job search website. Dakota Roots will match participants with career openings available from the state's leading businesses.
Participants will be notified when openings are appropriate to their skill sets. If interested, the participants can pursue the openings directly with the business or utilize staff assistance.